Dr. Diamond

Dr. Diamond

World-renowned Facial Plastic Surgeon to the stars and founder of The Diamond Face Institute.

If you have ever wondered who it is that A-list celebrities turn to when they are looking to touch up their appearance before a big event like the Oscars or Emmys, the answer, in many cases, is Dr. Diamond in Beverly Hills, California. 

His finesse as a facial plastic surgeon has garnered him worldwide recognition; he has been interviewed by prestigious magazines such as Vogue, Elle, and Allure about a myriad of cosmetic surgery topics, and he has even been featured on the Netflix series The Celebrity Plastic Surgeons of Beverly Hills and the hit show Dr. 90210. The world of journalism has also utilized his expertise during his visits as a correspondent for CBS News, Entertainment Tonight, and Discovery Health.

But, even if you aren’t a celebrity patient like Kate Upton or Kim Kardashian, you can expect the same abundance of care, concern, and devotion that Dr. Diamond would afford someone coming straight from Hollywood.

We sat down with Dr. Diamond to ask him ten.


The pillowcase is my favorite and I use it every night.


1. Favorite slip® product?

The pillowcase is my favorite and I use it every night.

2. What’s your secret to finding balance, if at all?

Wherever I am, I am all in. How you do anything is how you do everything, so if I’m at work, I’m 100% in. If I am at home, I am 100% Dad. I can’t get it right 100% of the time, but I do my very best to balance a hectic work schedule with my #1 priority, my family.

3. Biggest pinch me moment in life so far?

It’s so humbling to have a pinch-me moment, and I’ve had a few in my career so far. Taking care of my childhood idols will never get old. People I used to wait in line to buy concert tickets for are now waiting to see me. Hearing my name in a movie, The Stand In, was pretty high on the list. Taking care of a patient when their song is playing on my speaker, or their movie is on my TV, is always crazy to me, too.

4. What do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered as someone who cares about beyond just the face in my chair. I hope my patients know I care about their faces, of course, but I also care about them as people, and their well-being. I hope I am remembered for making people not only look good, but feel good. I want to be remembered for being reliable and trustworthy and giving my absolute best to anything I am doing, professionally and personally.

5. Who are you at home?

At home, I am a fully engaged Dad. When I get home from work, I love to get my kids outside, physically active, and I love participating in the things they love to do. It has been the greatest pleasure of my life to watch them grow up and be such a big part of their childhoods. Time is going by too fast, and it makes me sad to think they will be out of the house soon. I have to cherish every moment.

6. Life without your current career - where would you be, what would you be doing? What’s your sliding doors career?

If I wasn’t a Facial Plastic Surgeon, I’d be an Orthopedic Surgeon. Boring answer, I know.

7. One beauty product you can't live without?

My facial products I have been developing the last few years! I use them daily, and they are just about perfect. I swear by them, and I hope others will too once they are launched.

8. Favorite local restaurant in your hometown?

Matsuhisa – hands down. The Kobe Beef Sliders… I could eat those every day.

9. What is your morning ritual?

I wake up and have a cup of coffee. I work out daily. I meditate and do breathwork. Then, I start my work day – whether it is surgery or clinic.

10. What is something you are looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to getting out on the golf course this Friday. It is a great way for me to decompress and do something for myself. I’m looking forward to my family trip this summer and my eldest son starting high school and playing football in the Fall. 




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